May 12 2009 Special Letter

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Letter from a prayer warrior  May 12, 2009


Dear Trust Prayer Group:

I just wanted to briefly comment on the last part of this May 12 message by Our Lady of All Nations about the "split in the church."  I think we saw the provocations toward that split by the full-blown revelations witnessed in Notre Dame and culminating in the revelation of Pres. Obama's "utilitarian" stand on life as opposed to Archbishop Burke's National Day of Prayer Breakfast words in principle, about Justice, in relation to the Primacy of Life from birth to natural death. Father Pavone of Priests for Life and Fr. O'Brien of Notre Dame made very clearly pointed distinctions during a live interview with Fox News on May 17.

When the two Consecrated Catholic Fathers were asked about Obama's proposal to,  "open-minds, open hearts" in dealing with our differences in regard to the issue of Life, without "demonizing" one another, the division between principles became evident, painfully separate, and distinct.

Fr. O'Brien of Notre Dame commented that he himself, is, Prolife.  He made a point of emphasis to draw a line  between believing life given respect in all stages --as what all Prolife consciences should do-- with the difference in comparison given to life, "Pre-birth." This comment indicated, sadly, that this priest does not effectively recognize respect for life in "all stages"-- Overall.

Fr. Pavonne, on the other hand, emphasized that a fully Prolife view begins with life "from conception to birth" and on thru its entire stages-- to make the principle of "respect for life" truly evident and complete.  He adds that the majority of Americans have indicated in the polls (especially among young adult Americans,)  a 53% prolife recognition and favor with only 43% in opposition. In effect, that makes most Americans in  favor of the importance of the Pre-birth Prolife principle.

Can you see this event unraveling into a "split of the church," as seemingly indicated by Our Lady of Nations, for our prayers to mend to a better end?  I certainly do.

Michael, I first came across your messages through Joycelist in 2005.  Your messages came with very deep impact especially shortly after President Obama's election. I have become attached to watching the Catholic News sites through Michael Brown's Spiritdaily, just so I could keep up with the prayer needs presented through Our Lady's and Jesus' message to you, as well as a few other "Chosen" in USA and worldwide.  I consider myself one of your platonic prayer warriors from time to time.  Your messages drive me to it!

God Bless you and Our Lord and Lady's prayer warriors.  Thank you for your continued work and prayers. I continue to pray for you just as well.

In +JMJ+
Maria Adolfo